Unleashing the Power of Apple Shortcuts: A Fun Project with ChatGPT

Gábor Ótott-Kovács
3 min readAug 2, 2024


Apple Shortcuts is an often overlooked but powerful and fun feature that can transform the way we use our iOS devices. It allows users to create custom automations that can simplify daily tasks, adding a layer of convenience and personalization to our digital lives. In this article, I’ll share a delightful shortcut I recently created to brighten my partner’s mornings with cute messages, even when I’m not fully awake.

The Problem: Morning Messages for My Partner

My partner loves receiving cute morning messages, but as someone who isn’t a morning person, I often forget to send them. To solve this, I decided to create an automation using Apple Shortcuts and the free ChatGPT integration. This way, my partner receives a sweet message every morning, no matter how groggy I am.

Creating the Automation

Let’s start by setting up the automation to trigger at a specific time each morning. In our case, we’ll set it to start at 8 AM. This ensures that the message is sent at the same time every day.

Let’s walk through the elements and actions of this automation, step by step!

Step 1: Ask ChatGPT for a Morning Message

The first action in the shortcut is to ask ChatGPT to generate a cute morning message. This ensures that each message is unique and tailored to my partner.

In the Ask ChatGPT action, I prompt it with: “Write a cute good morning message to my partner! Maximum 7 words, minimum 3. For example: Good morning my love! or Have a wonderful morning, I love you!”

Step 2: Set the Generated Message to a Variable

Next, I set the generated message to a variable called Msga.

This action ensures that the message generated by ChatGPT is stored and can be used in the following steps.

Step 3: Add Emojis to the Message

To make the message even more special, I add a text action with some heart emojis.

Step 4: Combine the Message and Emojis

I then combine the text from Msga and Msgb with a newline in between, creating a final message that includes both the generated text and the emojis.

The combined text is stored in a variable called Msg.

Step 5: Send the Message

Finally, the shortcut sends the combined message to my partner via iMessage.

The action uses the variable Msg to send the message to a selected contact.


This simple yet powerful automation demonstrates how Apple Shortcuts and the free ChatGPT integration can be used to add a personal touch to daily routines. By automating the process of sending cute morning messages, I can ensure my partner starts the day with a smile, even when I’m still sleeping.

Apple Shortcuts offer endless possibilities for customization and automation, making our devices work smarter for us. It even includes advanced features like web requests, running JavaScript on web pages, hashing, and running scripts over SSH. Using these creatively can make this application truly powerful. Happy automating!

